Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay Unanswered Questions about Welfare Reform - 2747 Words

Unanswered Questions about Welfare Reform Welfare is a means of financial assistant for poverty stricken individuals. Year after year presidents have attempted to reconstruct the welfare system so it does not act as a backbone for those who do not want to work, and year after year success seemed out of reach. That is, until President Bill Clinton thought he had the answer. He signed the new welfare reform act in August of 1996, vowing to â€Å"end welfare as we know it.† Terminating a 62 year-old federal entitlement, President Clinton put a limit on how long one can receive federal welfare assistance (Casse 36). Yet, this so called reform is not that at all. The government doesn’t see what happens to ex-welfare recipients after they†¦show more content†¦The state that was furthest along in its welfare plan and which has received the most attention for cutting the welfare roles was Wisconsin, but this welfare-form program just went into effect on September 1, 1997 (Telly 8). â€Å"We’ve just imp lanted a program and we don’t have any results yet,† Nan Brien of Wisconsin Council on Children and Families points out (8). â€Å"Usually you can celebrate results, not beginnings.† So the declining caseloads that President Clinton spoke of so highly of are not impressive and whatever they mean, they don’t tell us much, if anything, about the impact of the 1996 reform (Heim 1147). The second problem that drowns out the welfare reformers’ chorus is the fact that the government does not know what happens to people after their assistance is cut off. Some people get â€Å"penalized† if they can’t find a job, and their benefits get cut back because they are not working or enrolled in the work program that the state offers. This sometimes hurts people when they are expecting X amount of money to feed their family for the month and receive significantly less than what they normally would. It’s very hard to make your food stamps last f or the whole month or until you find a job, enroll into school, or some kind of training program. For example, the government uses a line item veto, which eliminates any method for tracking people after theyShow MoreRelatedChapter 23 Ap Euro Online Quiz1177 Words   |  5 Pagesearning to Live With Change Results Reporter Out of 21 questions, you answered 8 correctly, for a final grade of 38%. 8 correct (38%) | | 13 incorrect (62%) | | 0 unanswered (0%) | | | | | Your Results: | The correct answer for each question is indicated by a  . | | | | 1 | CORRECT | | The romantic movement involved all of the following EXCEPT | | | | | A) | a conviction that emotion and experience are the sources of the most profound truths. | Read More Exemplification Essay: Welfare, A Vicious Circle1427 Words   |  6 Pagesinto the humiliation of the welfare line. For two years now, Diana has tried to get back on her feet, but with only a high school diploma, she cant find a job to support her family. 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