Saturday, April 18, 2020

Water Pollution and Its Effects on the Environment Essay Example

Water Pollution and Its Effects on the Environment Paper Environment Water is probably the most important resource we as people have. Humans can survive without food for several weeks, but without water would die in less than a week. On a slightly less dramatic note, millions of liters of water are needed every day worldwide for washing, irrigating crops, and cooling industrial processes, not to mention leisure industries such as swimming pools and water-sports centers. Despite our dependence on water, we use it as a dumping ground for all sorts of waste, and do very little to protect the water supplies we have. Water pollution is starting all over the world. Water pollution occurs when waste products or other substances, such as microorganisms, chemicals, or sewage, change the physical, thermal, chemical or biological characteristics of the water, adversely affecting living species and reducing the waters beneficial uses. When the matter gets into the water, most of the time it deteriorates and makes the water unhealthy. When the water becomes polluted, animals that rely on the water source will die from drinking the harmful chemicals and other pollutants. These chemicals will not only harm the animals but will affect the plants greatly as well. The plants will stop growing and eventually will die. There are several threats to our water resources. Oil Spills kill thousands of seabirds and can wreck water desalination plants and industrial plants drawing their water from affected coastlines. However, oil can get into the sea from many other sources, and cause just as much damage. Poor management of existing water resources can lead to those resources running out or at least shrinking. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Pollution and Its Effects on the Environment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Water Pollution and Its Effects on the Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Water Pollution and Its Effects on the Environment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Much of the pollution in rivers and seas comes from chemicals, mainly from agriculture. The effects of pollution can vary from localized damage to disturbance of the ecology of an entire waterway. The impact of pollution depends on the type and amount of contamination, the period of exposure, and on the characteristics of the waterway itself. The enormous problem of water pollution could be solved by using filters on the sewage tanks that pump out harmful chemicals and by having the big corporations pay to clean up the water that they have polluted. More public awareness should also be raised as exampled in Earth Day. Earth Day is a good start, but it is only one day. People need to be taught more and learn more about pollution as a whole and their environment. Ocean Pollution Water pollution is a problem that effects all living things. Every living organism on the earth needs water to survive. When the water is polluted, it not only effects the plants and animals, it harms people. Taking care of this planets water is very important to the short term and long term survival of living things. The oceans are constantly being polluted by individuals and many industries. These waters must be cleaned up before the costs are too great and the damages beyond repair. Action to clean up the Earths water supply is long over due. People in all countries must begin to take action. Plans must e made to rid the waters of pollution, and prevent any further destruction of the only source of water that the earth has. The actions taken will not only make the planet safer and cleaner for now, but for generations to come. For years, the world has thought the oceans are much too big to be effected by human action. The idea that the ocean is indestructible has met its end. Peter Weber a Research Associate at the Wristwatch Institute says, Today, with technologies that allow us to penetrate the salt water depths, we have discovered that despite their size and imperturbable appearance, the oceans re vulnerable to the same unsustainable trends that are degrading the terrestrial environment. . The oceans are one of the most important natural resources on the planet. Many plants, fish, and mammals have made the ocean their home. Much of the worlds human population depends a great deal on the ocean for their own food or to make a living. Because of the importance for the ocean, it must be taken care of to insure a future for a clean planet. Right now, the oceans are facing destruction. Each day new pollutants find their way into the oceans waters. The pollutants that contaminate the ocean take many forms. Each year millions of gallons of oil are put into the ocean. Toxic materials are dumped into the oceans and add up to deadly proportions. Tons of trash such as plastics and paper are pulled out of the ocean each day. This trash contaminates the water and causes many deaths of marine animals. Everyone on the planet has polluted the oceans one way or another. Factories that are in various industries make an enormous contribution to ocean pollution. These factories use unbelievable amounts of water to make their products. The Natural Resource Defense Council says, More than four out of every ten gallons of water used in the US re used for industrial purposes. A large amount of this water is dumped back into the oceans. This water is usually not clean, and may contain thousands of different chemicals. When this happens it can kill marine life, contaminate food supplies, and endanger people who use waters for fishing, swimming, or drinking. Water is also dumped back into the oceans by power plants who use it to cool reactors. This water is placed back into the oceans at high temperatures. Dumping water at these high temperatures causes a disruption in the marine environment. According to the book by Peter Weber, The water from power plants kills coral and other temperature related species. Many harmful airborne particles also pollute oceans. Exhaust from cars and factories, and chemicals like pesticides are carried into the atmosphere through vaporization. When it rains, many of these chemicals fall into the ocean. H. L. Window says, Up to 25% of the annual EDT production was rained out into the worlds oceans. One of the most harmful pollutants is oil. Gallons and gallons of oil are dumped, leaked, or seeped into the ocean each year. Contaminating the oceans will damage every living thing in one ay or another. Deadly chemicals and radioactive materials get into the oceans and cause serious damages. One of the most deadly of all the toxins that enter the ocean is oil. According to the Wristwatch institute, Low-level oil contamination can kill larvae and cause disease in marine life. The oil can coat marine animals and cause death. Many animals also ingest the oil. Marine life is effected by all of the pollutants, not just oil. For instance plastics are also a big killer of marine life. Researcher, Peter Weber, claims that, Plastics entangle marine life or is mistaken as food According to Dwight Holing Areas with chemical contamination, fish and shellfish have developed genetic defects such as chemical burns and tumors, and bottom-dwellers are showing fin erosion and cancer. Farming and mining all contribute to the dumping of sediment into the ocean. Peter Weber states, Sediments that make their way into the ocean can cloud the water and prevent photosynthesis, clog the gills of fish, and carry toxins that poison fish and other marine life. People also suffer from pollution. Beaches are frequently closed due to high levels of bacteria contamination from sewage and from medical wastes that wash up to shore. Sewage and waste from livestock can contaminate seafood and cause many diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Although scientists do not know the effects of radioactive material on marine life, the potential effects are frightening. Many years ago people would never have thought that the ocean would ever need saving. People would wonder how something so big could ever be effected by their own actions. There are many ways to begin to clean up the oceans. From individual action to government action. Some suggestions are to use biodegradable detergents and shampoos, avoid using and disposing plastics and Styrofoam, do not our hazardous chemicals down the drain, and to recycle old motor oil. Also people need to push the government for action. According to Oceans Day, Having beach seeps, CEO-regattas, youth projects, exhibits, concerts, research, and conferences will help to get the word out. Not any one plan will save the oceans. The problem must be attacked at all levels. The government must take action, the companies must take action, and individuals must take action. Cleaning the oceans would mean a healthier planet. Having healthier seafood will make healthier people. Clean oceans give people a good place for recreation. The fact of cleaning and monitoring the oceans will provide many new jobs. The main reason people do not clean the oceans is because of the cost. The oceans do not appear to be in immediate threat, but if the world waits to long to take action, the cost to clean up the ocean could be a lot more. So even though it may sound expensive, it will be a lot cheaper in the long run. It is the responsibility of every person on the planet to take care of the earth and its resources for ourselves and the future generations to come. Water Pollution water pollution Water pollution is one of the worlds worst forms of pollution. For example, aka a look at a glass of water. It may appear clear, but there are really millions of microscopic pollutants floating in it. Approximately 70% of the earths surface are covered by water; water is a very dynamic system, any change in its normal content could affect local, regional, and eventually worldwide water. Oil is one of the worlds biggest pollutants; oil is usually spilled or leaked from land or rivers and flows from them to the sea or ocean. The more direct form of oil pollution is when ships transporting oil leaks or the ship crashes. Oil can also ruin shores it can was up on them and become tar like lumps; some coat our of animals and can effect their heating system. Also some Oil can find its way into other sources causing hazardous water to be consumed. In some extreme cases, rivers, lakes, and wells have been known to ignite. Air pollution is also a worldwide polluter. Air pollution mainly comes from cars and industries. There are particles called hydrocarbons that settle or are washed down by rain from the air to the ocean. Toxic wastes are probably the most harmful forms of pollutants. A toxic waste can be quickly passed along The effect of water pollution depends on the type and amount of intimidation, the time of exposure, and what the water was like before the pollution. An estuary is a deep and wide channel to the sea.

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