Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wireless Networks and Security Wired Network - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theWireless Networks and Security Wired Network. Answer Introduction Wireless communication technology can be defined as the modern option to the traditional wired network [3]. All the wired networks eventually rely on the cables that are utilized for the successful connection between the digital devices. However, the wireless networks do not rely on any wire or cables. It is completely free from the wires and hence termed as wireless in nature. All the wireless technologies are utilized in house as well as business computers for the purpose of various utilizations [11]. There are several important advantages of these wireless technologies. They are responsible for reducing the overall cost of the networks and thus are used by all. The various types of wireless network technologies mainly include Bluetooth, wireless fidelity, 3rd generation communication, 4th generation communication, home automation standards and many more [5]. The following report will be providing a detailed description on the wireless networking and its concepts. All the wireless technologies provide advantages of mobility to the users. This report will be focusing on a precise comparison between the various wireless technologies and thus providing all the details related to wireless communication. Moreover, a proper evaluation will also be done on the standards of wireless communication for CPS as well as IoT. Proper justification will be provided on the best technology. Discussion Comparison of 3 Wireless Communication Technologies The comparison of 3 important wireless communication technologies is given below: Main Factors Satellite communication Technology Wireless Fidelity Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access i) Communication Spectrum There are several communication spectra in satellite [7]. There are six bands in satellite that are L-band, S-band, C-band, X-band, Ku-band and Ka-band. The frequency spectra are 1-2 GHz, 2-4 GHz, 4-8 GHz, 8-12 GHz, 12-18 GHz and 26-40 GHz. Eight protocols are present with their own frequency spectrum. They are IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ad, IEEE 802.11af, and IEEE 802.11ah. the spectra are 5 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 6 GHz, 60 GHz, below 1 GHz and 700 MHz [1]. Two protocols of WiMax are present [14]. They are IEEE 802.16e and IEEE 802.16d. Frequencies are 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz in IEEE 802.16e and 3.5 GHZ and 5.8 GHz for IEEE 802.16d. ii) Modulation Techniques Three techniques are present. They are OQPSK or orthogonal quadrature phase shift keying, BPSK or binary phase key shifting and QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying [12]. The modulation techniques for the wireless fidelity are QPSK or Quadrature Phase Shift Keying and CCK or complementary coded keying [3]. The modulation techniques for the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access are 16 QAM, 64 QAM 64 quadrature amplitude modulation, BPSK and QPSK. iii) Medium Access Control Mechanism Protocols for MAC are TDMA or time division multiple access and FDMA or frequency division multiple access [13]. The medium access control mechanism of the wireless fidelity depends on the specifications of IEEE 802.11. The protocols of MAC within the WiMax are eventually used with the purpose to fulfil every connection of point to multipoint [8]. iv) Network Technologies Three topologies: point to point topology, hybrid topology and switched topology. Two topologies: Mesh topology and black-haul topology [3]. Three topologies: bridge topology, AP based topology and point to multipoint topology. Evaluation of 9 Wireless Communication Standards for CPS and IoT The standards, supporting the several important levels of communication are referred to as the wireless communication standards. Several kinds of such standards are present in networking [2]. The enhancement or advancement of these standards is important for the wireless networking field. The detailed evaluation of the several wireless communication standards are provided below: i) UHF RFID and NFC: This type of RFID reader comprises of the ultra high frequency and is responsible for providing network of the higher frequency level [14]. For the Internet of Things or IoT, the acquisition of data is eventually checked for the purpose of meeting all the requirements. The layer of perception with the Internet of Things needs various practical requirements that need to fulfil. Since, power consumption of the ultra high frequency RFID is lower than the rest; it has the core capability in doing so. For the CPS or cyber physical systems, each and every computational entity combines with any physical system [1]. UHF RFID is the type for CPS as all the controlling elements or storage functions remain within this network. NFC or the Near Field Communications is the proper group of various protocols that are being used for the purpose of communication and thus allowing the most safe as well as secured communication amongst them. The only limitation in this network is that without smart phones, it is not possible to use this [4]. When this is integrated with IoT, security is explicitly higher than the rest and also becomes more convenient. When, NFC is integrated with CPS, any cyber attack like relay attacks or eavesdropping are solved. ii) ZigBee and Z-Wave: ZigBee protocol when integrated with the Internet of Things helps to give high security and privacy. This type of integration is done through the gateways of this protocol [6]. Stability is also obtained in IoT. Moreover, due to the presence of a low power microcontroller and low power consumption, ZigBee is responsible is giving high security to cyber physical systems. Another important standard of the wireless networking is Z-Wave. Mesh network is present here and it reduces the complexities of the wireless networking. Low energy radio waves are present here, hence reducing the consumption of energy [10]. The power of IoT is from IoT. The coverage area is huge here. For cyber physical systems, Z-Wave is used in various domains like medical field or robotics. Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy: Various data transfers are possible in this particular wireless network with lowest data consumption. The disadvantage of this network is that the distance coverage is lower [3]. Within IoT, easy or simple communication is present and in CPS, Bluetooth is being connected with every device. Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth low energy is the perfect combination of wireless networking and ICT. House alerting system is the most basic type of Bluetooth 4.0 with the integration of IoT and various crimes are mitigated with this [8]. For the case of cyber physical systems, Bluetooth low energy connects with all the slave microcontrollers and master systems. iv) Cellular Systems: These types of systems are known as the cell networks, used for communication purpose. With the Internet of Things, cellular systems are referred to as Cellular IoT or CIoT. Various technologies like NB-IoT, EC-GSM IoT or LTE-M are the proper examples of cellular internet of things [12]. The access of radio is extremely easy with this. For the CPS, any cellular system is referred to as mobile cyber physical system or cell phone. These are then utilized to provide various radios of communication and even intelligent applications. v) IEEE 802.11p: It is the approved addition to the standard of IEEE 802.11 to WAVE or wireless access in vehicular environments. The definition of this wireless standard is that it is required for supporting the ITS or intelligent transportation systems applications [1]. It provides vehicular communication, when integrated with Internet of Things and for CPS, smart transportation is the application. vi) LPWAN: Low Power Wide Area Network or simply LPWAN is the type of WAN communication with extremely longer range of coverage. With the integration of Internet of Things, the various networks are Ingenu, Weightless SIG and Sigfox [5]. Cost effectiveness is the most important feature. In case of Cyber physical systems, high coverage network connection is provided. Selection of Wireless Technology based on Performance The best selected network on the basis of the cyber physical system and internet of things is UHF RFID. Since, the bandwidth and frequency is higher than the remaining; this is considered as the best network after proper evaluation. Therefore, UHF RFID should be utilized. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, conclusion can be drawn that wireless networking is the most significant requirement in the field of networking and its concepts. Wireless networking provides several important advantages to the society by its features and characteristics. It provides the major advantage of freedom to move. Since, no wires are involved in the case; any user can easily utilize this particular network by moving the devices from anywhere and at anytime. Moreover, the securities of this type of network are explicitly higher and thus the users are extremely dependent on this network. The other advantages of this type of network involve being convenient, which refers to the fact that the resources could be easily accessed within the area of coverage of the network. The collaboration is also high in this network and hence complexity is removed. This report has eventually described the various wireless communication technologies with a proper comparison between them. The comparison is done on the basis of their communication spectrum, network topologies, modulation techniques and MAC. Evaluation is also done on various wireless technologies for the internet of things and cyber physical systems. References [1] Burg, Andreas, Anupam Chattopadhyay, and Kwok-Yan Lam. "Wireless Communication and Security Issues for CyberPhysical Systems and the Internet-of-Things."Proceedings of the IEEE106, no. 1 (2018): 38-60. [2] Andrews, Jeffrey G., Xinchen Zhang, Gregory D. Durgin, and Abhishek K. Gupta. "Are we approaching the fundamental limits of wireless network densification?."IEEE Communications Magazine54, no. 10 (2016): 184-190. [3] Dey, Kakan Chandra, Anjan Rayamajhi, Mashrur Chowdhury, Parth Bhavsar, and James Martin. 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